10 Comic Book Movie Performances ONLY Made Possible By Intense Method Acting

1. Nicolas Cage Channeled Spirits To Become Ghost Rider (Ghost Rider)

Ghost Rider Spirit Of Vengeance Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage's zany, off-kilter acting style is well-known among fans, being responsible for numerous "Nic Cage losing his s***" montages on YouTube, not to mention a Best Actor Oscar for his fantastic work as a terminal alcoholic in 1995's Leaving Las Vegas.

Cage employs a special acting technique he refers to as "Nouveau Shamanic", which allows him to create a performance that apparently transcends the very notion of acting, where the performance no longer feels like a "lie", but real to the actor himself.

Cage said of his prep for both Ghost Rider movies, "It occurred to me, because I was doing a character as far out of our reference point as the spirit of vengeance, I could use these (Shaman) techniques. I would paint my face with black and white make up to look like an Afro-Caribbean icon called Baron Samadhi, or an Afro-New Orleans icon who is also called Baron Saturday...And I would put black contact lenses in my eyes so that you could see no white and no pupil, so I would look more like a skull or a white shark on attack.

On my costume, my leather jacket, I would sew in ancient, thousands-of-years-old Egyptian relics, and gather bits of tourmaline and onyx and would stuff them in my pockets to gather these energies together and shock my imagination into believing that I was augmented in some way by them, or in contact with ancient ghosts. I would walk on the set looking like this, loaded with all these magical trinkets, and I wouldn’t say a word to my co-stars or crew or directors. I saw the fear in their eyes, and it was like oxygen to a forest fire. I believed I was the Ghost Rider."

Well, s***. Isn't that just the most Nicolas Cage thing ever? And what more really needs to be said?

Which insane superhero method acting proved most effective? Shout it out in the comments!


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.