10 Comic Book Movie Performances ONLY Made Possible By Intense Method Acting

4. Paul Rudd Wore The Ant-Man Suit On His Days Off (Ant-Man)

Ant-Man Marvel
Marvel Studios

Paul Rudd was perfectly cast as Scott Lang aka Ant-Man, and while he didn't drastically alter his body weight or send dead animals to anyone in order to get into the mindset, he did put in plenty of extra-curricular time in the Ant-Man suit.

Rudd said, "I loved wearing it because it was not that uncomfortable and even on my days off I’d wear it. It helped me feel the part. There’s something that happens when you get in that thing that it’s inevitable. I would stand differently; I would feel like Ant-Man in that thing."

A superhero costume is, of course, a prop like any other, and it's not terribly surprising that a great suit can help an actor really feel like a real hero. The idea of Rudd eating breakfast in his trailer with the suit on, though, is pretty hilarious.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.