In the huge world of comic book films, the source material is sometimes used as a simple guide and not a bible, but there are certain moments when the director pays a more specific homage to the comics by recreating a scene frame for frame, ripped straight from the four colour pages. For example it's hard to forget the visceral connection to the Knightfall arc in The Dark Knight Rises when Bane breaks the Bat - a stark image that speaks to a momentous time in comics from a bygone era. It's one thing to include a famous line from a comic too, but an entirely different (some say better) thing to lift a whole scene from the comics and display it proudly on film for fans to see. From The Russian engaging in a brutal fight with the Punisher in his apartment to practically all of 300, there are some very exciting moments in these films where the comics that we all read and loved are brought to life with laser precision. For fans who have read these iconic moments, seeing their favourite comic book sequence thrown up onto the big screen is a huge thrill. It often feels like a reward, a gentle reminder about why you fell in love with comics to begin with, speaking to the inner child that exists inside all of us - any who grew up reading comics and hoped to one day see the Avengers finally come together on screen suitably exploded with glee back when that movie manage to get everything so spot on. Seeing these memorable moments brought to life is one of the purest moments of joy that you could ever have as a comic book reader. So let's get going. Smash that next button, and we'll take a look at ten comic book movie scenes that were ripped straight from the pages, because you demanded it!