10 Comic Book Movie Scenes That Totally Dominated Their Films

1. War - X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

It speaks volumes about the overall quality of X-Men Origins: Wolverine that it managed to peak during the opening credits, and the fact that those several minutes were so much better than the rest of the movie only enhances the sense of crushing disappointment. Instead of building on that incredible credits montage, the rest of the movie boils down to a nonsensical plot, poor writing and even worse CGI. In fact, by tracing the characters from their participation in the American Civil War, two World Wars and finally Vietnam we get more character development in these three minutes than the remaining hundred. It shows the bond between Logan and Victor Creed, paints them as born fighters, and then foreshadows the schism between them as Logan clearly disapproves of his brother's increasingly over-zealous methods. If only the rest of the movie had been half as entertaining and inspired as the opening credits, then we wouldn't have had to suffer through such a disappointing spin-off for Hugh Jackman's enduringly popular Wolverine.
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