10 Comic Book Movie Scenes That Totally Dominated Their Films

2. Opening Credits - Watchmen (2009)

Although Zack Snyder's adaptation of the seminal, and supposedly 'unfilmable', graphic novel ultimately suffered from being a little too slavish to the source material, it was a refreshingly gritty and visceral take on the superhero genre. Opinion on the final product polarized both audiences and critics alike, but there is no arguing that Watchmen boasts one of the best credit sequences in recent memory. Set to the tune of Bob Dylan's 'The Times They Are A-Changin', the opening montage establishes the movie's alternate timeline much more effectively than any amount of dialogue ever could, showing the rise and fall of costumed heroes in society as well as several major political plot points that impact the narrative. Sadly, the rest of the movie failed to capitalise on the brilliant introduction, although Watchmen still deserves immense credit for being one of the most ambitious comic book adaptations to ever hit the big screen.
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