10 Comic Book Movie Storylines That Still Need Resolving

2. The Batman/Joker Rivalry (The Dark Knight)

In the Dark Knight, it became apparent very quickly that Batman and the Joker were as bizarrely important to each other - despite their obviously rivalry - as they are in the comics. Joker referred to the fact that Batman completed him and suggested that their conflict would be eternal but, as we are all so tragically aware, Heath Ledger died prior to the movie's release from prescription drug intoxication and resulting cardiac arrest. The Joker would undoubtedly have been an ongoing presence in the Christopher Nolan Batman franchise had he still been alive. There is, of course, still an opportunity to renew the on-screen rivalry in a Superman Returns-esque homage manner in the Ben Affleck Batman universe and, even if it isn't considered in-continuity, it could really simply continue from where it left off given that there was no resolution and it's still relatively fresh in our collective memory.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.