10 Comic Book Movie Villain Plots We're All Sick Of Seeing

2. They Killed The Hero's Parents After All

SPIDERMAN-3-La-creation-de-Venom-et-de-SandmanAppears In: Batman & Spider-Man 3 Tim Burton's 1989 Batman was, by and large, a great movie, though one which took severe liberties with the comic book source material by revealing that Bruce Wayne's parents were not murdered by Joe Chill as is canon in the comics, but by The Joker himself, in a lame attempt to heighten his villainy. Spider-Man 3, meanwhile, retconned the death of Uncle Ben by stating that, in fact, it was Marko Flint who killed him, albeit by accident. Both of these instances went back and altered emotional moments in a misguided attempt to make the present installment seem more meaningful and affecting. The problem is that it usually comes across as a cheap way to generate tension, and in the case of Spidey, robs the original film of much of its dramatic irony early on. As for Batman, well, that's just p*ssing all over the comic for the sake of it.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.