10 Comic Book Movies Critics & Audiences Couldn't Agree On

6. Dark Phoenix

Black Adam Dwayne Johnson

Starting in 2000, the X-Men franchise is undoubtedly Marvel’s most successful franchise outside of the MCU. It ran for 20 years, and for much of its run was incredibly popular, thanks in so small part to a soft reboot when things began to get a little stale after The Last Stand.

However, in spite of how fresh First Class and Days of Future Past made the series, things still eventually went downhill and ultimately limped over the finish line. Even the audiences that did appreciate Dark Phoenix as a final bow for the beloved mutants can’t argue that the movie was anywhere near this kind of level.

After the timeline was changed in Days of Future Past, Fox was given the chance to revisit the iconic X-Men story that was butchered in the finale of the original trilogy. Maybe it was because Dark Phoenix was being compared to the trainwreck that was The Last Stand, or because it followed the joyless Apocalypse, but either way, it has found itself with a fresh score of 64%. The lower side of fresh, but fresh nonetheless.

Critics however, simply tore this movie to pieces, offering very few, if any redeeming factors outside the performances of James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender. It should be hard to argue with a score of 22% from the critics, the second lowest on this list, but audiences found a way.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.