10 Comic Book Movies That Could Have Been Saved With A Single Tweak

2. Cyclops Gets To Live - X-Men: The Last Stand

Okay, so there are a lot of problems inherent to X-Men: The Last Stand, and fixing just one of them probably wouldn't have been enough to "save" the movie entirely... but you never know. The biggest crime associated with this picture, then, was committed at the beginning of the flick, whereupon Cyclops (played by James Marsden) suddenly finds himself dead for no real reason. The writers just decided to get rid of him. Bye. So whereas there are a bunch of other issues that rendered The Last Stand as an inferior sequel (namely the fact that somebody let Brett Ratner in charge), this was the moment at which it was made wholly apparent that the writers weren't really taking the franchise seriously: had they opted not to kill off Cyclops, the movie would have - at least - remained respectable in the eyes of fans. Which counts for a whole lot.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.