10 Comic Book Movies That Should've Been Made Years Ago

9. Doctor Strange

Granted, this did kind of already happen in 1978, but it was actually a television movie made specifically as a pilot to a potential television series that didn't end up going ahead. Regarding theatrical releases, Marvel have done almost everything. They've had gods, super soldiers, tech-based heroes, mutants, cosmic and space-based characters and just about everything in between - apart from characters whose powers are solely based on magic. With that in mind - and bearing in mind that a live action Doctor Strange portrayal was conceived as far back as 36 years ago - it's really odd that this extremely popular character hasn't seen Hollywood yet. Of course, Benedict Cumberbatch will portray the character in 2016's titular Marvel Cinematic Universe offering, but it's long overdue.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.