10 Comic Book Movies That Actually Deserve Remakes

7. Dick Tracy

Daredevil Elektra
Buena Vista Pictures

Dick Tracy is possibly the most critically and commercially successful film on this list, but it seems to have sunk without a trace. Even the relative star power of Madonna, Warren Beatty and the legendary Al Pacino hasn’t been enough to lodge this movie in fans’ collective memory.

It won three Oscars, being nominated for four more including one for Pacino’s acting, so why exactly has it been forgotten? For one, Disney wanted it to be on Indiana Jones’ level, and when it wasn’t it was put on ice, despite Beatty pushing for a sequel.

After some legal and licensing wrangles, Disney eventually passed the rights from Beatty himself in 2005. However, there were yet more legal battles with Tribune, the comic strip’s original owners, so it wasn’t until 2011 that everything was finally settled.

Beatty has discussed the possibility of a sequel since, but without revealing any details.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)