10 Comic Book Movies That Actually Deserve Remakes

8. The Rocketeer

Daredevil Elektra
Buena Vista

The Rocketeer seems have sunk without a trace, often not even popping up when people discuss forgotten classics. It takes something to be so forgotten that you don’t even make the cut for forgotten movies.

However, this lack of appreciation for The Rocketeer isn’t about a lack of quality so much as it’s a lack of awareness. It’s not bad enough to have cult status, and instead has just drifted into obscurity.

It’s actually a pretty solid flick about a stunt pilot, Howard Hughes, the FBI and Nazi secret agents. The problem was it was all shot with a shimmering, family friendly, action adventure type sheen.

The Rocketeer might have benefitted from a slightly grittier, espionage focussed tone though. Less Captain America: The First Avenger, and more Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

In 2012 there were whisperings that it might yet get a remake, but there’s been no news since then.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)