10 Comic Book Movies That Changed Characters For The Better

8. The Penguin - Batman Returns

Spider-Man 2 Doctor Octopus
Warner Bros.

What happens when you take Frank Reynolds and make him fight Batman? Well, probably a lot of swearing, booze soaked meat products and horrific violence, but what you don't get is a well-dressed businessman with a fondness for feathered fauna.

The Penguin that starred in Tim Burton's Batman Returns was very different to his comics counterpart, being abandoned as a child in the sewers due to his physical abnormality as opposed to being raised in a life of luxury, developing an unnatural demeanour and look that is still hugely uncomfortable to look at even to this day.

While it can be argued that losing the connection to the Wayne family and his jealousy of Bruce in particular loses the angle that Bruce may have ended up like Oswald if he was raised differently from a narrative standpoint, the idea that this monster has come from Gotham's shadows to avenge their sins is an inverse of the whole idea of the Batman, and allows it to be equally as meaningful, even if it focuses on a different aspect of the Bat.

This Penguin also gave us adorable weaponised penguins in little rocket jackets, so that's a definite improvement right there.


Psychologist and writer by day. Octopus themed super villain by night.