10 Comic Book Movies That Changed Characters For The Better

7. Jigsaw - Punisher: War Zone

Spider-Man 2 Doctor Octopus

It's not often someone survives an assault from Frank Castle, and even when they do, they will probably end up looking like they tried to fight a pit of tigers to the death armed only with a suit made from steak. Thus is the case of Punisher: War Zone's take on Billy Russo, the man better known as Jigsaw.

After being thrown into a glass compactor in one of the most violent Punisher film moments of all time, Jigsaw wastes no time in breaking his brother, a cannibal affectionately called Loony Bin Jim, out of a psychiatric prison and initiates his revenge on Frank, taking on an almost politician-like role amongst the New York underground in order to amass an army to take him down.

It's the characterisation of Jigsaw that is a major departure from the comics, as comic Jigsaw is a lot more focused on simply being a gangster and discrediting Punisher so he can go about his business rather than being the mayor of crime, but this change allows for some darkly humourous moments such as his campaign reel with his cannibalistic running partner.

Comic Jigsaw may be a very real threat to the Punisher, but he'll never be as entertaining as he was in War Zone.


Psychologist and writer by day. Octopus themed super villain by night.