10 Comic Book Movies That Completely Ignored The Source

3. Captain America (1990)

Captain America 1991 (2) What€™s that, a Captain America other than the 2011 World War II Avenger prequel? Yes, but trust me, this movie could not be any more different. There€™s still a guy named Captain America running around with a shield in star-spangled attire, and he does eventually end up in the present (the 90s in this case), but that€™s where it stops. This Captain America gets the serum to cure his polio, and his arch-nemesis the Red Skull, is now an Italian Fascist (in the comics he€™s a Nazi, there was absolutely no reason to change this) who had plastic surgery to cover up his disfigurements. Somehow, I don€™t think that worked out. As the head of a crime family, he€™s been responsible for multiple assassinations, and now kidnaps the President to brainwash him. Oh, and set off a nuclear bomb just to add insult to injury. The weird thing about this movie is that aside from Captain America and Red Skull, none of Captain America€™s supporting cast is seen, instead being replaced by original characters. I should also mention that this movie has an environmental theme with the President wanting to pass pro-environmental legislature, and even ends with the Captain advocating for the United States Environmental Protection Act of 1990. There€™s nothing wrong with being environmentally friendly, but I want to see the Captain punching democracy haters and defending the values of good ol€™ A-MUR-ica. Let€™s leave the environmentalism to Captain Planet.

Adam Holmes is a writer who loves a good story whether it's fact or fiction. When he's not day-dreaming about time travel, he's usually immersing himself in all things film, television and comic books. He hopes to one day break into the entertainment journalism industry. Yes, he is aware of his resemblance to Clark Kent and McLovin. Keep up on the latest geek news by following his articles at Unleash The Fanboy: http://www.unleashthefanboy.com/author/adam-holmes