10 Comic Book Movies That COMPLETELY Wasted Their Potential

1. Justice League

Justice League
Warner Bros.

At the tip of the metaphorical iceberg is the film that could've been DC's Avengers had they played their cards right.

Warner Bros got Joss Whedon after all - the guy who helped make The Avengers possible! Alas, because of (you guessed it) a studio thinking they know best for a creative project and a lot of questionable creative choices this didn't happen. Add in a half-hearted attempt to (seriously, again) lighten up the overall tone to be something that goes against the films that came before it.

Justice League's production was a mess, as was the version they showed in theatres. Throughout the runtime, it's clear just how much it needed more time to develop. The visual component of the film is horrendous, thanks in large part to the awful green-screen inserts placed at random points throughout, ruining the visual continuity at every turn.

Danny Elfman follows up Hans Zimmer/Junkie XL's excellent scores with the DCEU's most forgettable offering and Steppenwolf ends up being an incredibly weak antagonist.

Worst of all, this movie served as Ben Affleck's send-off as Batman. It's a tragedy.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.