10 Comic Book Movies That COMPLETELY Wasted Their Potential

2. Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Justice League

What happens when you lose sight of what exactly made a movie special and overindulge in the wrong things? Kingman: The Golden Circle is what happens. Whereas The Secret Service played perfectly as both a parody of spy movies and an espionage film on its own merits, The Golden Circle throws off the balance and the series' identity simultaneously.

The writing felt forced, cutting the cleverness of the predecessor in favor of gross-out/crude humour. Action scenes were over-the-top but lacked any build-up that would've made them satisfying. Cast-wise, Golden Circle is stacked.

Unfortunately, it's unnecessary as the script doesn't open itself up well enough for all these characters to do something significant. K1's cast was full of recognizable names, but each was used in a way that never felt like they were wasted. Was Jeff Bridges, Halle Berry, Michael Gambon, and Channing Tatum really needed for this?

Returning favorites from the last film and Pedro Pascal put in good work, but it's everything else that fails them. Action scenes are entertaining and Matthew Vaughn's camerawork in them is sometimes even better than the last movie, but the overfilled plot leaves too many gaps in-between them. Fingers crossed Vaughn and company learned their lesson for the upcoming prequel installment.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.