10 Comic Book Movies That COMPLETELY Wasted Their Potential

6. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Justice League

Any solo venture with the X-Men's most popular member carries a lot of potential. Within the film's opening minutes, you get a glimpse into this wild history of Wolverine and Sabretooth fighting within every major U.S war. It's an excellent sequence that illustrates exactly how many possibilities/directions this movie could take. Alas, they took one that was far less interesting.

Centralized around a revenge story (shocker!) involving Logan avenging a loved one, Origins starts off with a bang and trips over itself as it unfolds an increasingly listless story.

Screenwriter Skip Woods fills the story with no real twists or turns, resulting in a story that's all-too-familiar and boring. For a movie that held the potential to tell an array of untold stories, they instead chose a generic revenge story where you know everything that's going to happen. The tone feels unintentionally-cheesy and by the end of it, you feel like the canon of the X-Men universe gained nothing.

Add in series-worst VFX work (those Wolverine claws though!) and you've got what is undoubtedly the weakest X-Men film of them all. Liev Shrieber, Ryan Reynolds, and Hugh Jackman deserved better.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.