10 Comic Book Movies That COMPLETELY Wasted Their Potential

5. Ant-Man And The Wasp

Justice League

Characters with the ability to constantly shrink and enhance themselves, a place called the Quantum Realm with literally-limitless potential, and a whole lot of momentum thanks to Infinity War? Ant-Man and the Wasp sure did have a lot of going for it. It's just a shame they chose to make what many called a 'palette cleanser' rather than just, you know, a good movie.

Rather than investing in its wackier elements and improving on its predecessor in every way, Ant-Man And The Wasp plays it far too safe and ends up being a largely bland sequel. There's so little flair to the action, balancing largely flat lighting and choreography with a strong lack of tension. E

ven the interesting reality-phasing effects involving the character of Ghost aren't utilized to their full potential, much like the character themselves.

To top it all off, the writers felt it necessary to make Scott Lang appear far more goofier and incompetent than he had been in the previous movie, seemingly done in an attempt to prop up Wasp's status. However, since her characterization is still something of a stick in the mud, this decision just made the movie weaker all-around. If only they followed Infinity War with something more daring.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.