10 Common Mistakes Comic Book Movies Make

5. Assuming Comic Book Films Are Action Films

hex fixed I have to be careful here and make it clear that I don't assume that a bad comic book film was made lazily and was banking on either the property it was adapting or the fact that comic book films are popular. Green Lantern and Spider-Man 3 are examples of lacklustre comic book films that require action. Green Lantern completely missed the space-opera, Star Wars style action that made the Geoff Jones run popular, but it is an action book. Some comic book movies, on the other hand, are given the action treatment when a different, often more faithful, look would have done better. Why? Because action has featured so much in the most popular comic book films that studios likely feel that it will be a safe bet. Here's a pitch for you. A Western starring Josh Brolin as a scarred, tough as nails bounty hunter with Michael Fassbender, Michael Shannon and Will Arnet as the supporting cast. Not a half bad idea right? Apart from the fact that I'm talking about Jonah Hex and the movie was made with Megan Fox and enough explosions get rid of half of the old West. If the Jonah Hex property had the same cast and was treated like a gritty Western rather than an action film I doubt it would've been the critically panned afterthought we actually received.
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A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24