10 Common Mistakes Comic Book Movies Make

6. Not Giving Characters Their Due

cyclops fixed News flash time. Comic book fans are, sometimes, picky. Therefore if you're adapting a comic book franchise and putting the characters on screen, you need to stay faithful to the versions that your core audience have become attached to. So when X-Men: The Last Stand decides to kill off Cyclops out of the blue, it isn't surprising that it will upset some people. Okay. A lot of people. The real hard part about this point is that, of course, with films you cannot always give ample time or story focus to every character that is worthy of it. While this is the case, some characters are just totally overlooked or played incorrectly. What is the only thing we remember from Storm in the entire X-Men trilogy? A crappy joke about a toad being struck by lightning. Other characters included but not given their due include Volstagg from Thor and the Katayanagi twins from Scott Pilgrim. Perhaps Volstagg is more of a personal preference as I love the charismatic, blundering figure who loves to tell stories about himself but the Twins don't even get any lines in Scott Pilgrim vs The World.
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A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24