10 Complex Movie Schemes That Actually Make No Sense

5. Any Time The Villain Gets Captured On Purpose

It's become the done thing for big summer blockbusters that, halfway through the film, the villain gets captured by the heroes. Aha, except that's exactly what they wanted to happen! In fact their capture was all part of the plan all along. They just wanted to get closer to the heroes' weaknesses. The blind fools! That was the case with Loki in Avengers, Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness, Raoul Silva in Skyfall and, erm, Loki in Thor: The Dark World. It makes a crazy kind of sense, and is a pretty neat bluff: the goodies think they've succeeded, their guard is down, and that allows the enemy to strike them where they live. Except these plans all rely on a staggering amount of luck, and very little strategy. For one thing, they have to ensure they get captured by the protagonists, rather than killed; but they have to put up enough of a fight that nobody cottons onto what they're up to. Then they have to be sure that they can break out of whatever prison they're being kept in, despite having never seen said jail cell before. After that, the plans follow things that they can actually sort of control - except Silva's in Skyfall, which is the most needlessly complex way of getting to Dame Judi Dench's M that he could possibly think of. He already blew up MI5 headquarters, why not just do the same thing again? Who knows. Spies eh.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/