10 Complex Movie Schemes That Actually Make No Sense

6. Hans Gruber Pretends To Be A Terrorist, Dies Harder

Hans Gruber certainly looks smart on he surface. After all, he's a German bad guy being played by an English actor - that's doubling down on villainous traits for a Hollywood action film. It's like, how much more evil could he get? And the answer is none. None more evil. His quiet confidence during his heist of the Nakatomi Plaza also implies that his whole scheme is simple and brilliant, idiot proof, that it would go off with a hitch. Were it not for the "hitch" in the shape of that cowboy in the vest and no shoes, for some reason. Is he a hippie or something? Anyway, the bit where he writes about having a machine gun on the dead guy's chest is cool. Bit morbid. Right, but regardless of John McClane's heroic intervention, it doesn't seem like Gruber's plan would've come off anyway. The idea is to pretend to be Eurotrash terrorists who have taken the plaza's population hostage until a bunch of world governments release some prisoners. Except that's all a cover for him and his cronies robbing the huge vault at the bottom of the skyscraper, with all its cash and bearer bonds and stuff. Right...so why pretend to be terrorists? That just means you're wanted on larger charges than robbery, and the feds get involved, and the whole thing gets SO MUCH HARDER FOR NO REASON.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/