10 Confusing Movie Questions We Still Don't Understand

We're never getting to bottom of this.

Demolition Man Three Seashells
Warner Bros.

There are plenty of films that are designed not just to entertain, but to provide a thought-provoking experience. 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining, and Blade Runner refused to spoon-feed their audiences, leaving them with more questions than answers. Though this form of storytelling can be frustrating, it's allowed such features to endure, since it encourages the masses to debate over their deeper meaning for decades.

Of course, not all of these enigmas were deliberate. Sometimes, a film leaves a few questions unanswered, purely because of bad writing or plotholes. Other times, moviegoers become fixated on a minor issue that was never meant to be important. Whether or not these mysteries were intentional, it hasn't stopped them from lingering ever since.

Now, not every moment of ambiguity is worth dwelling on, especially when a subplot or ending was supposed to remain ambiguous. And when the directors and writers state they're never going to spill the beans on one or two unexplained plot points, it's best not to hyper-focus on them.

With that said, here are those big movie questions that continue to provoke debate...

10. What Happened to Tiamat? - Eternals

Demolition Man Three Seashells
Marvel Studios

The 26th entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ChloĆ© Zhao's The Eternals focused on a group of immortals tasked with safeguarding humanity for millennia from alien predators called Deviants. 

Unfortunately, our titular heroes are unaware their creators, the Celestials, want humanity's population to thrive so their collective energy can awaken a Celestial called Tiamat from the Earth's core. When the Eternals learn Tiamat's birth will result in mankind's destruction, they do everything they can to prevent it.

Luckily, the Eternals stop Tiamat's emergence, just as his body breaks through the planet's crust. But since there is a space god sticking out of the Indian Ocean, it should have some major impact on the world.

And yet, Tiamat has never been referenced again. Even though there have been seven MCU films since, nobody has mentioned the 300-mile tall robot poking out of the sea, despite the fact it's probably visible from 20 countries. Considering this cosmic being has been hibernating inside the core for who knows how long, society should be freaking out.

With so many projects going at once, the Marvel franchise can't be expected to tie up every loose end. Having said that, it'd be refreshing if something was mentioned about Tiamat given just how freaking big he is.

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