10 Confusing Movie Questions We Still Don't Understand

9. How Did the Chicken Get There? - The Hangover

Demolition Man Three Seashells
Warner Bros.

In Todd Philips' The Hangover, Stu (Ed Helms), Phil (Bradley Cooper), and Alan (Zack Galifianakis) have a bachelor's party in Las Vegas for their friend, Doug (Justin Bartha). Waking up with no memory of the night before, the friends try to find Doug, who's gone missing. While retracing their steps, The Wolfpack learn they stole Mike Tyson's pet tiger, partied with Carrot Top, befriended a gangster, and attended Ed's wedding with a stripper.

In the closing moments of this 2009 comedy, Alan discovers Stu's camera, which contains photos of their escapades from the previous night. As they look upon the debauchery they took part in, they finally gain major insight into what happened during the night in question.

However, there's one aspect that's left out. When the three friends wake up that morning, one of the first things they see is a chicken inexplicably hanging around their room. 

Now, considering the guys got involved in the mob and stole from a heavyweight boxer, bringing a hen into the hotel is pretty tame by comparison. Nevertheless, it's never explained how the farm animal got into the hotel room or why she was brought there in the first place.

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