10 Conspiracy Theories That Actually Sound Like Popular Movies

1. Aliens Are Controlling World Events

David Icke The Matrix

Talk about fortuitous timing: in the same week that Theresa May seemed to suggest that 2500 children waking up homeless on Christmas Day was acceptable because they weren’t sleeping on the streets, David Icke uploaded a YouTube video called “Aliens Are A Myth? Don’t Be Daft – They Are Manipulating Our World.”

In it, he expresses his belief that the most important recent news story is the sighting of UFOs by American military pilots, which proves his long-held assertion that we are not alone on this planet. An extraterrestrial race is controlling world events, he claims, and the evidence is staring us in the face.

Which to the mind of John Carpenter fans sounds like They Live, a movie Icke references and even recommends in his book Children Of The Matrix. Icke’s aliens are just like Carpenters, inter-dimensional visitors in human form who view us as little more than cattle. They distort reality and reward their own kind while grinding down the rest of us and curtailing any threat to their power.

Released in the US on November 4, 1988, They Live was Carpenter’s reaction to the insensitivity of political institutions. “I’m disgusted by what we’ve become in America,” he said. “I truly believe there is brain death in this country.”


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'