10 Conspiracy Theories That Actually Sound Like Popular Movies

7. Bill Gates Is A Nazi Who Kills Minorities

David Icke The Matrix
Allied Artists Pictures Corporation

Just when you think Alex Jones can’t get any crazier (never a safe bet) he delivers an epic rant accusing Bill Gates, who he claims is a front for IBM (who funded Hitler), of attempting to kill Africans and Indians by putting fluoride in their drinking water.

Jones considers himself to be “fighting for freedom and liberty on the front lines of truth journalism” but it’s more likely he was getting high while watching Three The Hard Way (1974), where a group of Neo-Nazis develop a poison that only affects African Americans.

Figuring they can wipe out the black populations of L.A., Detroit and Washington, they attempt to add it to the water supply but reckon without the attentions of Fred Williamson, Jim Brown and Jim Kelly.

Jones’ rant has much in common with the movie: both portray wealthy white guys as the villains and ethnic minorities as the innocent victims, both add Nazis for shock value and both are total fiction.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'