10 Conspiracy Theories That Actually Sound Like Popular Movies

6. Bin Laden Is Still Alive

David Icke The Matrix
Arrowstorm Entertainment

If you’ve seen Zero Dark Thirty (or Planet Terror, for that matter) you know things didn’t end well for Osama Bin Laden, but that didn’t stop a story about him circulating in 2017. Before being flagged by Facebook users as “Fake News”, the story claimed that Bin Laden was alive and well and living in the Caribbean on Joe Taxpayer’s dime.

The 2012 movie Osombie, however, presents a far more interesting scenario: Osama disappeared after setting his zombie army on the attacking troops and was believed to have died at sea. Which he did, but then he returned from the grave in order to lead an army of zombie terrorists in his fight against the infidels.

The only people who can stop him are a yoga instructor from Colorado (where the film was shot, even though it’s set in Afghanistan), her conspiracy theorist brother and a NATO Special Forces team they somehow run into. If you’re wondering what happens, the tagline offers a spoiler: “Bin Laden will die….Again!”

Silly it might be, but it’s still a better movie than Zero Dark Thirty.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'