10 Contemporary Films That Improve Greatly With A Second Viewing

6. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

There is a strong chance that quite a few of you actually really liked this upon a first viewing. But I wasn't so sure, only now have I realized that Meatballs€™ true brilliance comes from its depth and well of hidden jokes and references. Kid€™s films come and go all the time. So it is unusual when a film sticks, and really has the power to stand up against €˜grown up€™ cinema. Meatballs has an outstanding cast, and some genuinely brilliant jokes. You may have missed this first time due to the obnoxious tone and nature of the film. It is often very hard to appreciate moments such as Steve ripping out a gummy bear€™s heart, when for the longest time he has irritated the life out of you. In fact, it is characters just like Steve that soon become personal favourites, after discovering their brilliance with viewing number two. Some jokes in Meatballs are so discreet that they only present themselves after close interaction with the source material. A clear example of this is Mayor Shelbourne. Just google that, and then take a gander of Jaws€™ Mayor Vaughn. It€™s uncanny. As Meatballs quickly becomes one of your new favourite family films, you€™ll be pleased to know that a sequel is on the way next year.
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Part critic-part film maker, I have been living and breathing film ever since seeing 'Superman' at the tender age of five. Never one to mince my words, I believe in the honest and emotional reaction to film, rather than being arty or self important just for cred. Despite this, you will always hear me say the same thing - "its all opinion, so watch it and make your own." Follow me @iamBradWilliams