10 Contemporary Films That Improve Greatly With A Second Viewing

4. Gentlemen Broncos

You probably haven€™t seen this, and if you have then you probably hated it. But hear me out for a second, because Gentlemen Broncos is easily one of the most underappreciated works of comedy genius since Eagle vs Shark. The unusual tone and intense nerdy atmosphere of the film might initially be too much for most. This is a film about home-schooled kids who write about yeast eating space heroes, and spend time shooting poo tipped darts with guys who wear white trousers and have mullets. But where most films would depict this just for laughs, abusing these stereotypes, Jared Hess is asking us to accepting them as real, heartfelt creations. The characters of Gentlemen Broncos are the type of people you see wearing over sized wolf jumpers at the petrol garage, or the kid in your class who brought their mould collection to show and tell. I€™d like to say we all know people like this, but I think it might just be me and a select few exposed to that world. Whatever way you look at it, Gentlemen Broncos is a rich nerd fest with its heart in the right place. This is a universe with no hard-line to everyday reality. This is a film about how intense reclusive geeks truly live. And it is frigging hysterical.
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Part critic-part film maker, I have been living and breathing film ever since seeing 'Superman' at the tender age of five. Never one to mince my words, I believe in the honest and emotional reaction to film, rather than being arty or self important just for cred. Despite this, you will always hear me say the same thing - "its all opinion, so watch it and make your own." Follow me @iamBradWilliams