8. Blade Runner Replicant
I'm about to blow your mind here. Deckard was a Replicant the whole time! Shocking I know. That's not the theory I'm here to tell you though, Ridley Scott has even gone on record confirming this, despite Harrison Fords protests to the contrary. Blade Runner is a classic sci-fi and, despite the fact the ending should be left ambiguous, we can kind of figure that he was meant to be one. But that would mean they would have had to take a previous Blade Runners memories to implant. Who could that be? Well how about Detective Gaff? He is a presence throughout the whole film, but aside from creating intricate origami figures, he does not lend much development to the film. Yet he seems to know exactly what Deckard is going through at various points. For example it would help explain the whole unicorn connection between the two. Gaff has clearly been injured in the past. Exhibit A. His Cane. Maybe this means that at some point he was the top dog Blade Runner before being put out of action. It was seen that the best solution was to implant his memories inside a Replicant and send it to do his mission. This explains why he is always rude and hostile towards Deckard, he is bitter at his injury. At the end of the film he mentions how Deckard has done a mans job, thereby accepting Deckard as a competent Blade Runner, but still showing his hostility. This theory does not change the film drastically but it does provide some more weight to the interpretation that Deckard was a Replicant.