10 Cool-Sounding Upcoming Movies That We Really Don’t Need

7. The Bourne Betrayal

Why It Sounds Cool: Bourne is back. Actually back, not just another action movie with his name slapped on it. What was pencilled in as a sequel to the Jeremy Renner starring The Bourne Legacy has become a return of the amnesiac spy, with Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass, who directed the second and third entries, signed on to what is currently assumed to be titled The Bourne Betrayal. Legacy wasn't the sacrilege that die-hards would have you think, but lacking its titular hero made everything feel a little unimportant; this promises to be something worthy of the earlier movies. Why We Don't Really Need It: The Bourne Ultimatum was the end, plain and simple. There was a door left slightly ajar, but for all intents and purposes the story of Jason Bourne was over. Although as the series progressed the action took prominence, with the story increasingly built on coincidence, the narrative drive was a central appeal of the films. This was why the meandering off-shoot Legacy really failed to appeal and why there's no real logic to getting Betrayal. All of the original Robert Ludlum books have been used up, so now we're onto the novels written to capitalise on the success of the first couple of films; that alone should be a sign things have gone too far.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.