10 Cool-Sounding Upcoming Movies That We Really Don’t Need

8. Alice In Wonderland: Through The Looking Glass

Why It Sounds Cool: Although it wasn't regarded too highly, highlighting the lack of any real depth to Tim Burton's directorial style, Alice In Wonderland was a massive hit, making over a billion dollars at the worldwide box office. Given that there's lots more of Wonderland to be explored it's not surprising a sequel is on the way. Many of the central cast are back, but absent is Burton himself, replaced by The Muppets' James Bobin. That alone should be enough to make this a interesting prospect; if this guy can make Kermit cool again he can surely clean up Burton's mess. Why We Don't Really Need It: Well, quite simply, we've already had it; the original Alice In Wonderland saw an Alice who was already returning to (shudder) Underland, using various elements from the sequel already (the Jabberwocky and Tweedledum and Tweedledee). It's the case of doing another movie just because you can, which is obvious when you look at how the whole thing got pushed into pre-production. Mere months after The Lone Ranger bombed Johnny Depp was quick to jump on the project, proving essential in getting the whole thing off the ground; what would a Disney blockbuster without him doing a funny voice?
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.