10 Cool-Sounding Upcoming Movies That We Really Don’t Need

5. Skull Island

Why It Sounds Cool: Everyone knows the story of King Kong; film-maker goes to island, finds big ape, takes ape to New York, ape wreaks havoc, film-maker misunderstands what killed it. We've seen it three times now and in all honesty it's pretty much tapped. There's only so many times you can see an ape intrigued by a T-Rex's snapped jaw before it stops being cute. So it looks like Legendary are getting on the right track with Skull Island, a film that uses Kong's prehistoric home as a jumping point for a new adventure. Whether we'll see him make it to the big city remains to be seen. Why We Don't Really Need It: We're not getting Skull Island because Legendary want to do their own take on the King Kong story, but because they're trying to make their own universe of monster movies. Godzilla was a solid success and with the MUTOs gone he's now following Marvel into the future of movie franchises. The sequel will bring in Mothra, among others, and it'd be short-sighted to think that Skull Island, with all its different beasties, isn't going to link into it at some point. Which is fine, but do we need to sit through a Kong movie just for that purpose?
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Lego Batman
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.