10 Cool-Sounding Upcoming Movies That We Really Don’t Need

4. ID Forever

Why It Sounds Cool: The notion of a sequel to Independence Day has been tossed around pretty much since the moment alien ships destroyed the White House. It was an absolute smash hit, dominating the summer of 1996 and giving Roland Emmerich the freedom to make as many bad films as possible without Hollywood stopping bank-rolling him. Finally, twenty years later (although oddly released a few weeks before the July 4th), we'll get the follow on, which comes in two parts. Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman are returning, and no doubt it'll be an iPhone that stops the aliens in their tracks this time. Why We Don't Really Need It: Independence Day was made at a time so different to ours that a sequel seems entirely superfluous; back then the sight of a destructive attack in a city was something firmly in the realms of fantasy and Will Smith was bankable movie star. Not only is a sequel unwarranted, moreso than any film on this list, it feels inappropriate. ID4 is a go-to example of Hollwood pre-9/11 and serves as a fun piece of history highlighting a rather different attitude to that shown in the likes of The War Of The World or Cloverfield. Any sequel will either stick too close to the original and feel dated, or move too far on, ultimately defeating the point.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.