10 Craziest Chainsaw Kills In Movies
7. Rec 3: Genesis

The first REC is one of the truly great found footage horror movies in recent memory and its direct sequel, also in a found footage style, isn’t too bad either. Many fans of the first two were intrigued when director Paco Plaza opted to film the next in the series as a traditional movie. No shaky camera here. What those fans ended up with didn’t come close to the first two, but was good fun nonetheless.
The standout moments here are thanks to our protagonist, an angry and vengeful bride-to-be. After quite literally getting to the end of her tether after zombies crash her wedding she finds, you guessed it, a chainsaw! Her first port of call is to trim off the bottom of her wedding dress resulting in her looking like a character from the Resident Evil series. Once that’s out of the way, it’s open season on the cannibalistic undead who ruined her big day.
The best kill here is after our bride-to-be is ambushed by a few nasties. She manages to kick their dead asses, ending up on top of one of them. After a few pulls on the chainsaw it revs up and our hero slowly slices through her attackers face and head. Visceral stuff from the blushing bride, although she’s not actually blushing, that’s just some blood on her cheeks.