10 Craziest Chainsaw Kills In Movies

5. Buzzsaw - The Running Man

Buzzsaw Running Man
TriStar Pictures

Oh Arnold Schwarzenegger, what a wonderful specimen. This highly enjoyable '80s sci-fi action movie based on a book by Stephen King has Arnie thrown into the titular Running Man, a game show featuring convicted criminals as “runners” being stalked by, um, “stalkers”. The show is watched by pretty much everyone and these futuristic versions of ourselves are all worryingly bloodthirsty!

The audience usually decides which stalker should go after the runners, salivating at the thought of a gruesome kill. The first couple of stalkers sent out are Dynamo and a chap called Buzzsaw. Yep, his weapon of choice is the trusty chainsaw.

Buzzsaw catches up with Arnie’s character, Ben Richards, and they have a bit of a scrap. Towards the end of the fight, Arnie and Buzzsaw are both grappling with the chainsaw. Buzzsaw seems to have the upper hand but then he decides to go and say, “I love this saw, it’s part of me”... Big mistake my friend, you don’t say things like that to Arnie in an '80s sci-fi action movie, you just don’t. Talk about signing your own death warrant.

Fueled by his necessity for a one-liner comeback, Ben Richards manages to turn the tables on the overconfident Buzzsaw, guiding the chainsaw down between the stalker’s legs and then, well, let’s just say that his saw did indeed become part of him.


James Chandler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.