10 Craziest Chainsaw Kills In Movies
4. Lord Crumb - Bad Taste
When we think of Peter Jackson we usually think of The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit Trilogy or King Kong. What we don’t usually tend to think of are a couple of low budget gore-filled horror movies that are as hilarious as they are disgusting. Bad Taste and Brain Dead are Jackson’s first couple of movies and boy are they different to his more well-known offerings. Brain Dead is his take on a zombie flick, complete with a Sumatran rat-monkey from Skull Island (nice little King Kong reference there), a Kung-Fu priest, a grotesque dinner scene, and our main character Lionel taking a lawnmower to the zombie horde!
But our crazy chainsaw kill comes in Peter Jackson’s very first feature, Bad Taste. Set in the director’s native New Zealand, Bad Taste sees a group of agents, one of them played by Jackson himself, investigating the disappearance of everyone in a small town. Turns out to be aliens, of course. Chaos ensues as people are eaten, limbs are severed, and poor Derek has to hold his cracked open head back together, brains and all.
It’s at the film’s climax where we get our crazy chainsaw kill. Derek, still with his brains hanging out, literally chainsaws through Lord Crumb, the nasty vomit-drinking villain. Derek starts at Crumb’s head and saws all the way through him, coming out of, well, you can probably guess where.