10 Craziest Harry Potter Fan Theories

1. Harry Hallucinated The Whole Thing

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2
Warner Bros.

Harry Potter goes down the route of Jacob’s Ladder and other such mind-bending psychological thrillers in this rather depressing fan theory that posits the whole series was in fact a seven book and eight film long hallucination.

The theory poses that back during Harry’s early childhood when he was still living with the neglectful Dursleys full-time and mostly confined to his tiny little cupboard under the stairs, he conjured up a fantasy world about a magical boarding school populated by witches and wizards to escape his grim reality.

As dreary as this fan theory may be, there could be some truth to it. J.K. Rowling (or Rita Skeeter as we now know her to be) has acknowledged the theory herself stating, “I’ve heard it suggested to me more than once, that Harry actually did go mad in the cupboard and that everything that happened subsequently was some sort of fantasy life he developed to save himself.”

Note that while Rowling doesn’t confirm it’s true that Harry’s actually insane, she doesn’t exactly deny it either.

Now you've read the article, please watch our video for 10 Dumbest Harry Potter Plot Holes...

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