10 Crazy 2023 Movie Moments You'll Never Be Able To Unsee

6. The Kittens "Eat" S.A.B.E.R. Agents - The Marvels

No Hard Feelings
Marvel Studios

Marvel Studios may not have experienced quite the same levels of success as they have done in the past over the last 12-months, but even some of the Phase Five entries that underperformed have produced some of the most hilariously insane moments ever to go down in the MCU.

Just look at this year's The Marvels flop. Though Nia DaCosta's Captain Marvel sequel definitely didn't have many folks lining up on opening night to see it, those who did decide to take a chance on the Brie Larson-starring follow-up were treated to a number of outrageous events.

Witnessing a whole planet communicate through song was already pretty surreal, but it was the visual of an entire litter of flerkens - popped out by Goose, of course - saving the lives of many a S.A.B.E.R. Agent by safely storing them in their tummies that really had to be seen to be believed.

As the iconic "Memory" tune from Cats twinkles away in the background, a comical and absurd sequence sees numerous agents getting pulled into the kitties by many a tentacle in order to be transported back to Earth, with the entire thing playing out like something from an alien horror flick with the sound off.

You'll likely forever think twice before giving a cute little kitty a tickle after this watch.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...