10 Crazy 2023 Movie Moments You'll Never Be Able To Unsee

4. An Uncomfortable Testimony - Oppenheimer

No Hard Feelings
Universal Pictures

A lot of noise was made about the fact Christopher Nolan had decided to finally drop a sex scene into one of his epic features in this year's Oppenheimer. But not one of the folks heading into theatres to witness Cillian Murphy's stunning performance as the titular theoretical physicist, or Nolan unleash an atomic bomb on the world, were prepared for the way the director would execute those intimate sequences.

A few passionate moments with Florence Pugh's Communist Party member Jean Tatlock had already established the pair's affair on screen. But one of the many scenes involving Oppenheimer's AEC Security Hearing brings a far more shocking and uncomfortable piece of intercourse to audience's eyes.

As Oppenheimer is questioned about said affair and his ties to the Communist Party by the United States Atomic Energy Commission, the historical figure is suddenly seen sitting completely naked before Jean ultimately appears and proceeds to do the deed in front of all in the room - including Oppenheimer's wife.

Nolan has since noted how he wanted to really get across how strange and awkward the moment must have been for all involved (via Insider), with Oppenheimer genuinely having to discuss these intimate details in front of Kitty and being "split open for all to see" in that room.

Job done then, Chris. No one will be forgetting that shocking interrogation and surreal fantasy coitus in a hurry.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...