10 Crazy 2023 Movie Moments You'll Never Be Able To Unsee

3. Impaled On A Table Leg - The Killer

No Hard Feelings

As Michael Fassbender's assassin engages in one of the most brutal and well choreographed skirmishes you're likely to watch all year in David Fincher's latest thrilling picture The Killer, things go south pretty quickly for the Floridian trying to keep the titular figure down.

With the pair clashing inside of The Brute's home after The Killer successfully tracked down one of the people responsible for attacking his partner Magdala at his own place, it initially looks as though the cold and well prepared assassin has bitten off more than he can chew.

After being smashed into wardrobes, TVs, and launched around the house like an empty tracksuit, though, a flipped over table soon leads to an agonising opening for The Killer.

Booting the big lad in the balls just as he looked to put a bullet in the assassin's head, The Killer decides to nudge The Brute onto a chair leg. And that absolutely appalling impalement is enough to leave you needing a minute to compose yourself.

Not content with leaving you scarred at the act of a dude being stabbed through the arse by a chair leg, however, Fincher then opted to follow that nasty piece of improvisation up with a revolting trail of blood as The Brute wanders right into a permanent snooze courtesy of The Killer's pistol.


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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...