10 Crazy Details Hidden In Horror Movies

4. The Descent - Juno’s Affair

The Descent
Warner Bros

Let’s be honest, very few people would say the most memorable aspect of Neil Marshall’s iconic nerve-shredding horror was the infidelity subplot. The late-in the-day-revelation is inarguably one of the more minor plot points in a story full of bloodthirsty crawlers and claustrophobic tunnels always on the verge of collapse.

Nonetheless, the animosity between Juno and our bereaved protagonist Sarah fuels a lot of the film’s later conflict as the party dwindles after an initial attack by the milk-white subterranean monsters. As the cast are picked off one by one, co-operation becomes more important than ever and, as lines of communication fall apart, the reveal becomes a devastating bombshell.

That said, Marshall is an expert in setting up more than just a scary scene.

Watch carefully in the early scenes establishing the characters before the shocking car crash and you’ll note a tender, lingering look shared between Juno and Sarah’s husband Paul. Meanwhile Juno’s later line “We all lost a lot in that crash” stands out among the group - and that’s without even mentioning her flinch when Sarah quotes Paul’s motto, which is later revealed to be the inscription on a necklace Juno is wearing at that very moment.

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