10 Crazy End-Credits Scenes That Completely Messed With Your Head

9. The Avengers

the avengers schwarma Ever since Nick Fury's surprise cameo in the final moments of Iron Man, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has made many a fanboy endure ten minutes of closing credits for a thirty-second pay-off. But these end-credit codas are much more than a running gag or a blooper reel; as each offers a tantalising glimpse of what's to come, and, more importantly, how the films all fit together like jigsaw pieces inside the Universe. And so while the main teaser in The Avengers' credits was the revelation that Thanos will likely appear in the sequel (or possibly sooner, if the rumours surrounding Thor 2 are to be believed), there was another surprise in store for those patient enough to see out the entire credits. While the other Avengers gather around the lifeless body of Tony Stark, they are relieved to find that a well-timed roar from the Hulk is just the thing to revive him. Better still, he has already begun planning the rest of his day.''You ever tried shawarma?'' he asks, presumably to steer the film away from a mawkish ending. And yet this line is anything but throwaway, for, sure enough, the closing image of the entire film is the rather surreal spectacle of six superheroes in full costume sitting around a table in a shawarma restaurant, eating in silence. If you look closely, you'll see that Chris Evans seems to be hiding his face with his hand. This is because the scene was something of an afterthought, hurriedly pieced together after its LA premiere, and by this point Evans had cut his hair and grown a beard for his upcoming role in Snowpiercer. Still, it certainly did the Middle Eastern wrap no harm, with several New York shawarma joints reporting a monumental increase in sales.

Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.