10 Crazy End-Credits Scenes That Completely Messed With Your Head

2. Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy

channel4newsteam Given how almost every line to fall from Mr. Burgundy's lips is a comedy gem, we're more than satisfied to see the film out with a blooper reel. Even the outtakes are worth sticking on a t-shirt. Watching Will Ferrell wrap his mouth around such non-sequiturs as ''The human torch was denied a bank loan'' and hearing Brick Tamland list the various things that he's pooped is as good as anything in the final cut. But wait! What is Burt Reynolds doing there? He wasn't in the movie! It turns out that amongst all the failed attempts to boot Baxter over the bridge and the shots of Champ and Brian trying to distract Veronica from the news desk lies a genuine outtake from Smokey and the Bandit II, in which Burt played Bandit. Here we can see that not only is he fluffing his lines but he's also struggling to work out which ones are his and which belong to Sally Field. Both actors take it in good humour, yet this still doesn't quite explain how it managed to find its way into the closing credits of Anchorman. Perhaps it's because in 1980, Smokey and the Bandit II was one of the first (if not the first) films to include outtakes in the end credits and so Ron and co were simply paying homage. Or perhaps it's just because it'd really mess with the audience. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0DrRk-ePow

Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.