10 Crazy Lord Of The Rings Theories And Why They Might Be True

8. Why Hobbits Are Always Hungry

Lord of the Rings The Witch-King Of Angmar Tom Bombadil
New Line Cinema

It's a running joke throughout the trilogy, and has turned into a hilarious meme over the years, so if you hadn't noticed, Hobbits like to eat. Whether it's breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, or any other meal, Pippin in particular doesn't function well without a full belly.

This even stretches to Bilbo Baggins, who just so happened to have enough food for 13 dwarves and a wizard lying around his humble hole. Not to labour the point, but Hobbits truly like to eat. But what if there is more to it than just a hungry Hobbit? What if this is absolutely necessary.

In nature, smaller animals are constantly having to take in more calories more consistently than bigger animals can in order to, for example, eat and then hibernate for long stretches of time. The same theory could apply for Hobbits, in that they are smaller beings, and so their eating isn't just a snacking habit worth a laugh, it's a necessity.

Gollum himself was once a Hobbit, so he knows exactly what this is like. This makes his throwing of the remaining Lembas bread off the secret stairs all the more sinister and evil.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.