10 Crazy Movie Conspiracy Theories You Need To Hear

1. Tommy Wiseau Is Really A Famous Thief

Nicolas Cage Time
TPW Films

Some people wouldn't be surprised to hear that Tommy Wiseau - the filmmaker behind the so-called worst film of all time The Room - might not be a real director, though the theory claiming he's actually a famous thief is a little far-fetched.

Scores of Internet conspiracy enthusiasts believe Wiseau was D.B. Cooper - a thief who hijacked a plane and parachuted to freedom with a $200,000 ransom in his possession in 1971 - in a former life.

Although outlandish, this theory is a fascinating read. Its supporters claim that Wiseau's abrupt arrival on the movie scene with enough cash to make a film from scratch is suspicious, but it's not the only think linking him to the hijacker.

Couple this with how vague he's been when quizzed on his past life in interviews, as well as the fact Cooper and Wiseau both have strange speaking styles and the same dress sense and you have the makings of a bona fide conspiracy theory.

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