10 Crazy Movie Conspiracy Theories You Need To Hear

2. Affleck And Damon Stole The Good Will Hunting Script

Nicolas Cage Time

Here's another pair of Oscar winners nobody could take seriously, but that's what happens when you star in a beer-fuelled Animal House knock-off like Glory Daze.

When Ben Affleck and Matt Damon picked up their Academy Awards for penning the screenplay for Good Will Hunting in 1998, an urban legend soon emerged that they didn't write the script, but stole it from William Goldman, the wordsmith behind Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and All the President's Men.

This is another theory with no basis in fact, but it caught on to the extent where Goldman himself was forced to debunk it.

The veteran writer admitted that he served as a consultant on the screenplay and his only contribution to it was to agree with a series of cuts the producers had suggested.

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