10 Crazy Movie Conspiracy Theories You Need To Hear

6. Stanley Kubrick Helped NASA Fake The Moon Landing

Nicolas Cage Time
Warner Bros.

Despite there being a metric tonne of evidence that mankind went to the moon in 1969, there are still people who are convinced otherwise, and they'll go to great lengths to try and prove it.

Some of those who subscribe to the lunar conspiracy theory believe acclaimed filmmaker Stanley Kubrick was either bribed or blackmailed by NASA into creating video footage that fooled the world into thinking they'd won the space race.

There doesn't appear to be any basis for these claims, beyond a fake video confession that was debunked a while back, and the fact part of 2001: A Space Odyssey takes place on the moon.

And yet, the rumours refused to die, to the point where the late director's daughter Vivian was forced to come out and vociferously refute the allegations.

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