10 Crazy Movie Endings You Didn't Believe

1. Sleepaway Camp

Switchblade Romance
United Film Distribution

How could crazy, unbelievable movie endings be discussed without shining a spotlight on Sleepaway Camp?

For a spell, the horror genre was overflowing with slasher movies centred around a big final act reveal of who the real killer of the film was.

In Sleepaway Camp, Felissa Rose plays troubled teen Angela. After an accident years prior killed her father and brother, Angela finds herself being bullied while at summer camp. With her bullies being offed one by one, Angela's cousin Ricky becomes the prime suspect behind these grizzly deaths. And from here, that's when things get really nuts.

While the reveal of Angela herself actually being the killer would've been a mildly surprising and crazy ending for Sleepaway Camp, the 1983 movie amped up its 'crazy' by revealing Angela to be a male. And not just any male, for Angela is really Peter, Angela's believed-dead brother - with the real Angela having been the one to die alongside her father in place of Peter all those years ago.

Yep, when it comes to closing acts that you struggled to take in upon a first watch, they don't get much more mind-scrambling than Sleepaway Camp's finale.

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